Nov 27, 2023
This week we got to talk to Ed Brubaker about his new book WHERE THE BODY WAS, with art from Jacob Phillips and Sean Phillips. It's coming to comic shops this December, so be on the lookout & pick it up!
Nov 17, 2023
The Club recounts the newest Marvel movie updates. We cover a TON
of new first issues and gush about interviewing Ed Brubaker!!! What
a time to be thankful.
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Nov 10, 2023
THIS WEEK Vargas and Mike chop it up about the latest in the MCU
with The Marvels coming out and the Echo trailer dropping. We get
into some TKO books Mike has bought, and do some Jordie Bellaire
worship while we're at it. Then its onto comics...
Vargas covers new comics Punisher #1 & Petrol Head #1....