Jul 31, 2019
The club was so pumped for House of X that we spent the entire episode discussing it, only getting sidetracked about 5 times.
Jul 24, 2019
This week the club gets sucked in with Collapser on DC's Young Animals imprint and laugh at the hilarious exploits of Superman's Best Friend: Jimmy Olsen on DC. Also in this episode, the worry of celebrities writing comics, and we create our DJ set lists.
Jul 21, 2019
Mike and Greg catch each other up on the whirlwind of Marvel announcements to come out of San Diego Comic Con in this emergency special bonus episode!
Jul 17, 2019
The club returns from episode 100 with a ton of comic news. Then the long awaited Second Coming gets "saved" by Ahoy Comics. Finally Reaver blows up on Image for a violence soaked tail of medieval mayhem.
Jul 9, 2019
The entire club skipped town for the 4th to spend time with our families, so while we couldn’t record a regular episode, comic book reading must go on! Because of this important rule of life, Mike D recorded an emergency voicemail episode where he breaks down his top four first issues of last week. Hope you state-side...