Apr 25, 2018
This week: we cover our first book on film: "Avengers Infinity War"! That's right, we can't ignore the biggest thing in comic books this week...a movie. But, before that, we cover Image's "Skyward"!
Apr 17, 2018
This week: "Robocop: CItizen's Arrest" takes the neighborhood watch to a whole new level. Then "Exiles" gives us the anime wolverine we've always wanted...just not yet. And, "The Immortal Men" doesn't quite live up to the hype.
Apr 10, 2018
This week: have you ever been close to a comic you loved, or close to folks who have? Well the odds stack up so high with “Analog”, we feel a pain so powerful with “Isola”, and knock on wood with “Demi-God”.
Apr 3, 2018
In this variant edition of the podcast, we focus in on Marvel's new Fresh Start initiative. Who will be affected by this shift, what's going to change, and why are they doing it now? We explore all the important and confusing questions.