Apr 23, 2019
The club really gets into it this week with “First Appearances” in both comics and our lives; “"Planet of the Nerds”, where the geeks and the Chads get the switch; and, we find ourselves ‘A Club Divided' over the historical fiction that is "Mary Shelley: Monster Hunter."
Apr 17, 2019
Faithless is all the pervy magic Boom! Could fit in a comic. Fair Lady is Columbo for Middle Earth. Comics literally don’t get better! The club gets in it and even talks Hellboy with the latest in comic news. It’s First Issues being read and discussed in podcast form. Now it’s time to take my horse to the old town...
Apr 11, 2019
For our audience people this week, tune in to hear about Planet Comicon experiences; what happened with Astro Hustle; War of the Realms delivering on its hype; and, Major X’s Liefeldian x-citement over new characters.
Apr 3, 2019
This week on FIC, we hit the highlights of C2E2, get into the witchy world of Archie Forever’s “Sabrina”, and revel in the dark comedy chaos that is “Bad Luck Chuck”.