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May 31, 2024

This week we're talking about current Kickstarters & Humble Bundles, before getting to comix. What comics??? They're in the title bub! No need to read it twice, & yes need... to press play.

May 24, 2024

Today, we're talkin'. WHY? Becuase theres new stuff to talk about each and every week, and its the duty and responsibility of the First Issue Club to keep the conversation going. These conversations include topics like Tom King writing an Archie comic, an upcoming Avengers/Ultraman crossover mini, the impending...

May 17, 2024

This week the club is sans Vargas, but the show must go on! Greg and Mike chop it up about the Captain America McDonalds toys, and decide wether we're hyped or not for it. Next we mention Nick Cage's Spider-Man Noir coming to TV... Then... FINALLY! It's time for those sweet sweet reads the title of the show promised....

May 10, 2024

Today the club discusses our experiences at Chicagos premiere comicon C2E2! The club got the full con experience including: Attending panels, being part of a panel, shopping, meeting creators, commissions, exclusive, and it wouldn't be complete without one of us getting sick once its all done. 

Check the show out on...

May 3, 2024


It's taken one of our own this time. Seems we brought something home with us from Chicago and we're not talking memories. Mike D is at home fighting for the will to live so Greg and Vargas carry on as strong little soldiers in his absence. 

So for this episode they've decided to flip the script and...